
Geomembrane, as is known, a geosynthetic material that is often used in waterproofing works. In order the hydraulic structure to remain strong for a long time during operation it is necessary to strictly observe all stages of the installation of the geomembrane. Our experts are ready to provide services for construction and installation work. Strict implementation of the following instructions will allow to achieve high quality of installation work:
Монтаж и установка
Project development
"Holding Altyn Arna" LLP, is ready to offer the development of projects for installation and construction works using geomembrane and geocomposite. Our highly qualified specialists will help you develop projects of any complexity, also help to advise on the choice of material.
The durability and integrity of the structure depends on compliance with the installation technology of the geomembrane, therefore during installation it is better to trust the team of professionals.